Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oh Roma!

Our visit to Roma was short but sweet, therefore so is this blog post.

If you took away the cars and the hordes of tourists and gypsies which occupy this city 365 days a year; you would actually feel like you had just stepped out of a time capsule two thousand years ago.

The statues, churches, columns, ruins and not to forget the colossal colosseum, gives this ancient super-city the most medieval vibe i've ever encountered.

Here are a few snaps of our whirlwind trip around the streets of Roma, Italy.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Out the back of Rome

During our third and final Helpx stay, we had the pleasure of working one hour north of Rome on a beautiful property owned by a lovely lady by the name of Tosi.

While working on her property for two weeks, Tosi showed us many beautiful spot well off the tourist trails which had me in a photographic frenzy.

Here are a few shots from in and around the Palidoro countryside.


**Photographic Notes**

*Roosters hanging up to dry - were turned into "Coq au Vin" which is translated as "Cock of the wine". However, as literal translations are not that meaningful, a better translation would be "Cock cooked with wine".  

** Tosi's home is always open to travellers as long as you are open to a little bit of work around here property. Contact her through