Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brilliantly Berlin

Ask anyone who has visited Berlin and I'm sure they would agree that there is something magical in the air.

I must admit i was not much of a fan of history in high school, but since visiting Berlin i think if my high school had managed to incorporate a school excursion to this amazing city, then maybe i would have changed my tune.

The shots below will hopefully paint the picture what a culturally vibrant destination Berlin really is.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Love Munchen

Once landing in Munich, you could almost feel the excitment in the air, with only hours to wait until the first kegs among many would be cracked open, and the Octoberfest festivities would begin...

Although most of those who attended Beerfest wouldn't actually know it (due to the excessive amonts of alcohol consumed), but Munich was actually a very impressive city!

The next few shots are from in and around Munich and the Beer Fuelled Beerfest!

I hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Greece Lightening

Next stop on the tour is Greece.

If you look at a map, you'd probably think that getting from Split in Croatia to Greece would be a piece of cake - you guessed wrong! After spending countless hours on the computer with our in-house travel agent Alicia McCarthy, we managed to book the cheapest, quickest and most direct flight possible...in 16 hour form. That involved flying from Split to Zagreb (Croatia), then Zagreb to Cologne Bonn (Germany), then finally from Cologne Bonn to Santorini in the Greek Island.

PHEW...that made me tired just thinking about it again!

What should be a quick 1 hour flight from Croatia to Greece, ended up being a whole day in transit.Happy Days...

Having said all that.The one day in transit was worth every minute and every penny (or Euro).

Greece is amazing.

After doing a one day sightseeing marathon with Tim in Santorini, we decided to leg-it straight for Ios for some fun and frivolity. Which is exactly what we got.

The next few photos are from our week of travel through the Greece.

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I heart HVAR

Hvar, an island located off coast of Croatia, is one of the many places that my cousin Tim and i fell in love with. We had a real hard time leaving the place, especially when Tim was offered work at the local medical centre after his disagreement with a uncooperative scooter, and me lining up work harvesting Lavender for Luca the owner of our hostel!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Got to start somewhere

A big HELLO to anyone who reads this blog,

Sorry for the delay but uploading pics to my hard drive, resizing, editing, uploading them and then posting them online is quite the pain in the ass - especially whilst being on the road in euroland for the last month. Having said that, compared to the ye olde' times i'm sure its really just a walk in the park and i'm just being uber lazy.

Anyway, now that i've got the ball rolling hopefully you'll start seeing a few more piccies from now on.

These first shots are from mine and Tim's first stop on our trip Croatia - Old Town in Dubrovnik!

I hope you enjoy.
