Thursday, January 6, 2011

I AMsterdam

I received a text once from my Dad during a flyby trip that he did to Holland. The message read "I think I've died and gone to heaven." At the time when I received that text I didn't think too much into it - apart from the fact that Dad had clearly got his hands on some of Amsterdam's legal wacky tobaccy. But since visiting Amsterdam myself,  I have realised that there was more meaning behind the message than what I initially thought.

Amsterdam really is one of a kind. Apart from the obvious attractions such as their unique window shopping arrangements and those offering some herbal remedies, Amsterdam offers so much more if you dare to stray from skinny alley!

The next few shots will hopefully show you a few more of the marvels that Amsterdam have to offer.



  1. Great shots! Particularly like the one of the canal. Haven't been to Amsterdam for awhile...makes us want to go back!

  2. Thanks guys! glad you like them. But right now i'd rather be over in your neck of the woods!
